100% waterproof handlebar bags
For multi-day bike rides in bad weather, there's not much more important than keeping your gear dry. Since the British are well versed in bad weather, the Apidura Handlebar Packs - as well as the Accessory Pockets - are completely waterproof.
Harness system or handlebar roll?
Due to the close positioning of the load on the bike, handlebar bags are still one of the best options for technical riding and singletrack bikepacking.
Due to the focus on the lowest possible weight and the “less is more” design philosophy, you will not find a 2-part harness system from the British manufacturer. Instead, Apidura relies on the proven handlebar roll - an All-In-One System with an integrated drybag and handlebar attachment. The handlebar bags have a roll closure at both ends, are waterproof and are attached to the handlebars as well as the head tube. They are one of the most straightforward options for storing gear on your handlebar.
Packing tips
Since road and gravel bikes have brake levers and dropbars next to the side openings of the drybag, access to the contents can become difficult. To access large equipment, you may also have to remove the bag from the handlebar. We therefore recommend packing equipment in your bag that you do not need regularly or only once a day. Cylindrical items such as a tent or sleeping pad are suitable for storing in the handlebar bag. At the end of the day you can simply pull it out and everything will be safely packed away while riding. In this context, a cooker for the evening meal or clothes for the night are also suitable.

Our family business is dedicated to traveling by bicycle. We want to offer products that help adventurous cyclists explore the world and achieve sporting goals.

Sustainably packaged.
Nature is very important to us. That's why we avoid unnecessary plastic and rely on packaging material made of paper or cardboard. If your package does contain plastic filling material, this is material from our suppliers which we have reused.